Here is all you need to know, Please read carefully!

Cozy Mystery Cross Promo

Traditional cozy mysteries (if you write paranormal, my co-author handles the cross promo for those).

Feb 17-18 Books for $.99 or less

Click the links for the dates you would like to register. If there is no active link for the month of your choice, use the form below to receive the link by email when the promo registration opens.

Email me with questions at

There is no cost to take part in these promos, nor do I make any extra money from affiliate links. If you wish to thank me, feel free to buy one of my books.

Here’s how it works:

Site page:

Cover images and links will be added to the promo page on my website.

Social media:

Our combined mailing list is a bit over 5k, I will promote to my list as well as my other social media accounts.
To have your book included, you will do the same. We are looking for a group of authors who have a readership to share as well as some social media presence. If you are active anywhere, this promo is for you. If you’re new, you need to start somewhere and we welcome new authors.

On the day of the promo, we all post the link on our active social media outlets, in newsletters, and we like/retweet/repost each other’s posts.

The rules:

Books must be cozy (or light traditional) mysteries. No thrillers or romantic suspense, please.

For .99 promos, full-length novels only, we want to give readers a deal.
Books must be presented well: nice cover, nice blurb, nice writing. We reserve the right to refuse books that are not ready or that contain content outside of the parameters.

No minimum reviews or star ratings, newer books are fine.
Check with me if you want to include a book that is on preorder.
Enter a different book with each promo. NO REPEATED BOOKS

There is NO COST to the author, but you MUST be willing to post to your mailing list and/or use your social media outlets to participate. We track inbound links to the promo page, so we will have a pretty good idea of who shares and who does not.

If your book is not free or .99 by 9 am on the Saturday of the promo, it will be removed from the page.

If there is no active link for the promo dates of your choice then please do the following:

Go to the form at the bottom of this page.

Enter your email address and name. Hit “subscribe”. I’ll notify you when the entry form is up. This list is the only way to get more information.


I’m not charging for these promos, but I do use my Amazon Associates links, so there is some benefit to me for doing them and I wanted to be upfront about that. Making income is not my goal and I will continue to run these promos for as long as they bring benefit to others.

Registration to be notified of future promos:

Subscribe to my cross-promo list

* indicates required