The All Things Balefire October virtual scavenger hunt is over, and we have winners to congratulate! Thank you to all who participated.
Grand prize: Kindle Fire HD 8 (32GB) Tablet, a tablet case, a custom mug, and signed paperback copies of “Murder Above the Fold” and “A Match Made in Spell”, and ebook copies of the entire Balefire Collection (includes all current books in the Fate Weaver and Mag & Clara Balefire series, and the corresponding short stories).
Grand Prize winner: Amanda Rollins

2nd place prize: ebook copies of the entire Balefire Collection.
2nd Place winners: Staci Mefford, Marilyn Wons, Barbara Meyer, Denise Carter, Joe Kolarz, Mary Smith, Kim Templeton, Bridget Flanagan, Nancy Bradford, Sara Alvaro

3rd place prize: winner’s choice of a paperback copy of one of our books.
3rd Place winners: Renee Wood, Ashley Joseph, Maria Aikman, Keiko Barrett, Dreaa Drake